Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Randall, Potter counties and CPS

The statistics between Potter and Randall counties with regard to abused children that are taken from homes is startling. Again, Child Protective Services does not remove children in cases of alleged abuse. They investigate, compile evidence, and if they evidence is worthy, it moves to the court for a decision. In Potter, it's Judge Don Emerson and in Randall County, it's James Anderson.

In the latest statistics from 2007 from CPS: Completed investigations, Potter, 1,828; Randall, 771.

Investigations where abuse or neglect was confirmed: Potter: 556; Randall, 215. Children removed from home: Potter, 71; Randall, 167.

So, those who believe CPS is falling down in its job of removal of abused children from a home, you have to ask yourself this question: Is CPS just doing that much poorer job in Potter County than Randall in presenting evidence, or could it be that Emerson has little regard for CPS and sides with parental rights a huge portion of the time?

Why such a difference?

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