Thursday, April 23, 2009

How did you spend Earth Day?

Or were you even aware that yesterday was Earth Day. Odds are about 50-50 on that. If you have elementary-age kids, you probably did. Maybe you heard or read it was Earth Day.

Earth Day has been around for 39 years, celebrated each April 22 as a day to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson. One reason April 22 was selected was because colleges were in session and someone thought they'd have a nice demonstration and likely skip class for the sake of good ol' Mother Earth.

I celebrated Earth Day by spraying the last bit of Weed-B-Gone by Ortho or something like that last evening on some uninvited growth in the yard. Didn't quite cover it all beore I ran out. Memo to self: Get more Weed-B-Gone.

It had nothing to do with Earth Day. It was just past time to get it done.

1 comment:

KF said...

The Zits comic strip in Wednesday's paper best describes the true meaning of Earth Day.

On a more personal level I picked the fuzz out of my navel.