Wednesday, June 16, 2010

History lesson

For many years, the major fundraising project of the Amarillo Downtown Kiwanis Club, of which I'm president (don't ask), has been our flag service. The club puts out more than 2,200 flags five times a year: Memorial Day, Flag Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day and Veterans Day.

We start putting out flags at 6 a.m. and start picking them up around 5 p.m. On Monday, Jeff Neely, his wife Sandra and I were working one of the Wolflin routes. It was about 6 p.m. when I picked up a flag in front of a house on Parker Street where about three kids, all around 8 or 9, were out front playing.

"How come you're taking the flag?" asked one.

"Because it's the end of the day," Jeff said.

"No, it's not. There's still a lot of day left."

Jeff, being the ever-patient grandfather that he is, explained that by the time all the flags were picked up and loaded back to the storage area, that it would be late enough.

"Hey," I said. "Do you kids know what today is?"

"Martin Luther King Day," one of them piped up.

"Close," I said as we went on down the street.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Another indication of the state of the American education system, you can't
respect what you don't know about!
However,as a loyal,legal American citizen
I applaud you for efforts to foster respect for our traditional days to show recognition for the people and the things that made this the greatest nation on Earth!