Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Too busy, but interested

Robert Crowder followed some of the early inauguration coverage, but likely won't see the actually swearing-in of Obama. As owner of Tascosa painting, he has a crew that has to finish up a remodeling job.

"It seems like most of the inaugurations are the same," he said, "but I know this is a whole different deal with a black president. I guess it depends on what side of the fence you're on because obviously for blacks, it's an historic day with the triumph of race."
Crowder, 50, a former pharmacuetical rep, said he's ready to get behind Obama.

"I may not agree with all his policies, but I think we should give the guy a chance, Republican or Democrat," he said. "He ran a good campaign, and and he's reaching across the aisle. It seems like he's moving a little closer to the center than he was based on his voting record in the Senate."

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