Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Canadian goes Broadway

Jere Longman, a feature writer for the New York Times, had his piece on the town of Canadian and its football team in today's edition that's a pretty good read. No doubt, the article is being framed for a wall in the Canadian Chamber of Commerce as of this morning.

It highlights the uniqueness of Canadian and its quality of life, while showing how the Wildcats two-time state championship football team has galvanized the community. It's more a community piece. Wildcats football coach Kyle Lynch, for example, is quoted just once.

It's a fair and accurate story. It's obvious Longman didn't come in with any preconceived stereotypes and made the story fit that. He used to work for the defunct Dallas Times-Herald back in the 1980s.

An excerpt: "Canadian has a blue-jean casualness and a Mayberry hospitality, but its small-town warmth is buttressed by big-city business acumen. It is an unlikely commodities trading center, a cowboy-booted alternative to the tassel-loafered trading floors of New York City. And as the town has reinvigorated itself, so has the Canadian Wildcats football team."

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