Deb and Curt Brummett own the property that Tex Randall, the 47-foot steel, concrete and wire mesh cowboy statue, stands on in Canyon. And has stood on since 1959. And they would dearly love to sell that property, which has been on the market, since April 2005.
The property adjacent to Highway 60, which includes a building that was formely "Cowpokes Smokes and Tokes," is listing for $65,000. Deb said she and her husband would accept $55,000 for the property and donate $5,000 back to the restoration of Tex if he remained there.
The Texas Panhandle landmark has been named as one of the 10 most endangered roadside places in the U.S. in the Society for Commercial Archeology's Falling By The Wayside list. Tex Randall was the focus of my column on Wednesday.
Danny Byrd, co-owner of a Feldman's Cafe in Canyon, owns Tex. He bought him five years ago with the intention of moving him to his restaurant, but he said the cost to move the aging landmark was just too much. Byrd said earlier in the week that he would virtually give away the statue and help raise money if it would go to a prominent part in or near Canyon.
"I like to see him fixed up," said Deb. "That's one of reason we sold to Danny because we knew we couldn't do anything with it. We had several offers prior but they were talking of moving Tex out of town and we didn't want that."
The Brummetts, who now live in Willis in suburban Houston, said they offered Tex to the City of Canyon for $1 a year for 10 years if the city would restore him.
"We've tried a lot of different ways to fix him up, but the city doesn't appear that interested," Deb said.
Brummett suggested the area could be turned into a tourist inlet along the highway, sort of a roadside cowboy park. How feasible that is, who knows?
The most logical plan would be to move him. Deb said if Tex stayed in Canyon, but not at the site of their property, they would make a smaller donation to that.
"We want him restored," Brummett said. "He's part of the history of the Panhandle."
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