Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How about that for a cover?

On the front of Lubbock's AT&T Yellow Pages phone book is a group of people gazing upward. There looks to some Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts, some scout leaders, maybe a nurse, and a law enforcement officer.

And right in the middle is the Texas Tech football coach. That would be the former Tech football coach, one Mike Leach. Yes, the guy who was fired after suing the university in late December is as visible as he was on the sidelines in the fall, minus the headsets and little piece of paper he always wrote on.

I wonder how visible those phone books will be in the administrative offices at Tech? Might there be one face blacked out? It reminds me of that children's game of "which one doesn't belong?"

No doubt, too little time and too much money were the reasons that cover wasn't reshot.

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